Profile PictureMandy Valadez (Divine Mandy Oracle)

How to Release Unworthiness PLUS Codependency 2 part Workshop Masterclass


2 week self paced workshop/masterclasses!


Watch videos below for details about both masterclasses! (A reminder that you instantly have access to all material and videos automatically after purchase)

Validating (Releasing) Codependency -

What do you receive?

4 FULL video workshops


Releasing Unworthiness- We talk about HOW unworthiness keeps us from manifesting what we desire and what is ALREADY ours! Be prepared to even be surprised about how this one word has affected you since childhood!

THEN at the end listen to others that share how they believe unworthiness affected them…. From weight to promotions in their careers.

It is through this groundwork that your body will come to awareness and be prepared to validate and release unworthiness.

Lastly, I end ‘Releasing Unworthiness’ with a transmission(meditation) that will bring you face to face with unworthiness. You will be amazed HOW it speaks to you and shows you where in your body it has been hiding. You will then be able to ask if it’s ready to be released.

Unworthiness will then release into a shape or form that will bring assurance that unworthiness has been ready to free your body and energy.

Listen to others below that have experienced this POWERFUL masterclass and transmission!

*AFTER PURCHASING you will INSTANTLY HAVE ACCESS TO ALL 4 days of the masterclasses AND transmissions.

But you have the option to only watch 2 of the videos to complete the workshop.

Again, You have the option to view all 4 recordings of the workshops/masterclasses. I’ve added all 4 days because watching more then once always brings more clarity and healing.

PLUS**Both Releasing Unworthiness videos towards the end have beautiful women share some of their personal journey‘s with unworthiness. You are even able to tune into towards the ending of the videos to listen to their stories. They are very encouraging.

You also receive-

Releasing Codependency MASTERCLASS


Plus Follow along workbook and homework sheet for Releasing Unworthiness!


Workshop 2:

Releasing Codependency

"Codependency was created from your natural needs not being met or not received enough in order for you to become dependent on yourself."

- Mandy Valadez

SHAME. When we think of codependency...

Shame a lot of time follows naturally.


We may believe that codependency is such a horrible thing. A "condition" that needs to be fixed.

We have all seen it or even felt it in ourselves.

But what if I told you...

  • Codependency has kept you alive.
  • Codependency was alive and well inside our birth mother's womb right before our birth.
  • Codependency is supposed to be a natural response after birth as well.

‡ As we are naturally fed and cared for (or at least should be growing up we eventually become independent in ourselves. When that happens we have the ability to live on our own.

To care and feed ourselves.

† BUT what happens IF that is NOT the case.

* What if we grow up neglected.

WithOUT the natural care and love of a caretaker?

What if we knew that already.

And what if we felt that while we were even inside the womb?

• What if we witnessed our birth mother from inside the womb. Stay with me.

+* What if We knew beforehand what we could possibly be born into.

© And through the umbilical cord our birth mother unconsciously sent messages to us. BUT meanwhile we were consciously sending healing & messages to her.

-What was that message?-

  • in this gathering & meditation we will be guided to go in and find out what that message was. Possibly the answer of "why" you decided to come here through the portal of your birth mother.
  • Yes. Yes. Yes.

All this will be uncovered inside PART 2!

Releasing Codependency.

This will be such sacred and holy work.

Ground breaking and an incredible experience.

* This could even be a turn events for you.

As it may possibly be a moment of deep reverence & reflection that will unleash such massive amount of energy from your soul, body and even the body of those in your lineage.

Also included instantly after enrolling:


Money Workshop!- How can you become a “PIT STOP” for money!!


Money Meditation! (Coming soon)

Use PayPal and possibly split your payments into 4!

Listen to Bonnie’s experience after joining this masterclass in January!!!

“A lot has changed and I feel a lot of manifestations are coming into reality too”.

Mandy, thank you! You really helped me kickstart it though! I always knew it but you helped me push against mental blocks too! -Bonnie

It is truly inspiring and mind blowing!!


Bonnie went from being naturally afraid of what would happen if she took the risk and rented an art space to sell her art prices TO NOW SELLING HER ART easily!!! Becoming artist of the month!!!

And so much beautiful success!!!!


And I have officially made RELEASING UNWORTHINESS a complete mini 2 week course with so many bonuses!!!

So you too can experience this yourself!!! We are all worthy of it!!!🤍🤍🤍Sign up and begin your bragging journey!!

Watch the short welcome video below that you will instantly have after signing up!

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Payment plan

For payment plan choose PayPal at checkout. PayPal will split the payment into 4.

Last updated Aug 28, 2023

Releasing Unworthiness masterclass and workshop

Releasing codependency
Releasing unworthiness
Money workshop
Money Meditation(coming soon)
Bonus: Candle ritual
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How to Release Unworthiness PLUS Codependency 2 part Workshop Masterclass

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